Our School Program

Testimonials From Our Schools :

"I just wanted to say thank you for your service this past year. You are always so happy and positive about your job, even when we were having trouble with the recycling bin. When we did have an issue with the bin being broken into none of which was your fault, you were quick to address the problem and since we have had no further issues. Thank you for the exceptional service this year and I look forward to working with you this next school year."

Desiree McLaughlin

Administrative Secretary - Don Bosco School

" I have worked with Recycle For Life Inc. for several years and have had a great partnership with the organization. They provided our school with a recycling bin where they regularly pick up our containers while giving funds back to the school. This allows us to purchase extra items for our students as well as teach them the importance of taking care of our environment. Thank you for a great partnership!"

Kim Fradette

Principle - St. Marguerite School

Get your school signed up today. This can be a great fundraiser for your school, for KidSport and it will save you a lot of work in transporting the refundable beverage containers to the depot, and it will give you another level of transparency in processing your refunds, all while helping more local families with sport registration fees.


1. Give us a call at 403-680-8776 or go to our "contact" page and fill out the form.

2. You will receive an outdoor bin and a scheduled pick up date.

3. You will receive a full refund cheque every month with your container count. You will also receive an Impact statement that shows how many kg of waste you have kept from the landfill which in turn will show you much green house gasses have been eliminated and how much energy you have saved.

4. You will also be helping less fortunate children receive a year of sport -free- through our KidSport Calgary Recycling Program